Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So I have an inkling...

I was thinking about teaching a class.  I dislike teaching, mostly because I hate having everyone's attention on me, but there are a few subjects that I would like to see change in the area, and I'm wondering if teaching a class might help with that change.

One of the biggest things I would like to see change are all the people that do nothing/very little with their hair.  I mean come on, doesn't that unruly mop get in your way?  Pinning it up with hairsticks isn't appropriate for when and where you are wearing.  You're a married woman with five kids (or at least your persona is) why the heck aren't you wearing a veil?

So I have a subject, but no really developed ideas on what I want to talk about.  I just know that every good class has an interesting title to hook people into it.  And I've got that.  "Just Get It Off My Neck: Basic Braiding & Beyond"  I just need to figure out where to go with it from there.  I'm thinking of exploring a few different cultures that do something with braided pigtails.  I mean anyone that can braid can do braided pigtails, so where to go from there.  *sweeping generalization here* No one believes that pigtails are really period, but there are so many lovely things that can result from them that people have seen, and I can include those.  Templar style headdresses from 14th century, german stuff from the 15th and 16th centuries, Hair taping from 16th century Italy, England and France.  All of these styles start with a basic set of pigtails and are arranged and restrained in different ways to make for an exciting, dressy hairstyle.

And all of them are easy enough to do when a person has the right tools.  I can do any of these styles for myself, but I think for the purposes of the class I'll probably get a couple of volunteers.  Things tend to look nicer when I can see what I'm doing.

I'll have to see who has the right garb to help me, what kinds of headdress is necessary to finish off the look, (german hats, templar circlets, hair taping in England is the basis for securing a coif before putting on fancier headdresses) and what I actually have to say.  People tend to be rather willing to assist, and most people are willing to get their hairs did, for science! (I had to)

I think I'll stick to three styles that can be accomplished with pigtails, it gives us a starting point.  I think for the hair taping and german styles I'll start off with someone in the right garb with braided pigtails because braiding all those pigtails can take a long time.  I'll need to include the various things that belong in a braid box, and what would have been used in period.  Most people don't realize that braids can be sewn into position in order to keep them in place.  I think the templar braiding position, right up by the temples (see where the name comes from) is a much more awkward place to braid oneself, and the people that would be wearing this style are the kinds of people that would have servants.  Damn not having a slave for my hair.

I'm going to have to let this idea stew for a little while, but I'll think about it.

1 comment:

  1. I resorted to buying a (narrow!) circlet this week to help with the veils, 'cause I can't pin them into place to save my life. Also, I've found an alternative to the mum pins for holding a palla on my hair--y'know the long, pointy "hat pins" you can get at the bead shop? Pillaged Village had beaded ones for $8, which I refuse to pay, but I did try them out and they held much more securely with my minimal skillz, so I shall be going to the bead shop to make myself a set soon.
