Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mildly Meta Moment...

So I read TrulyHatBlog, because I've got a serious costuming crush on Truly, and I was amused to find a couple pictures from her recent trip back to Houston.  Specifically the photos from High Fashion.  My first inclination was to check out the mannequins to see how they were looking.  My first reaction to said mannequins, "Dayum, the quality has gone way down since I left." I kind of wanted to comment, but I don't really know Truly, I just worship her from afar. Well, less afar than before, since she's in Seattle...

It was just a little odd to see pics of the store, not a whole lot's changed, got a few new fabrics in, changed a sign or two... Just the quality of the draping.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

New Project...

So I've been "commissioned" to start a new project, which is always exciting, though the reason for this specific commission is a sad one.  My wifey has asked me to make her a black pillbox hat to wear for her grandmother's funeral.  Her grandmother hasn't passed yet, but has been given only a few weeks.  So tonight I'm making the buckram frame, and she'll have to send me the silk velvet she wants to cover it.

After I get the frame done, then I get to work on drafting sleeve patterns for The Boy's gambeson.  He's specifically requested that I complete all the mock ups before moving onto the real fabrics because of how important fit is in this project.  I can handle the request I suppose.  So I'll have to pull out the drafting skillz.

My friend and her boy are hanging out with me and The Boy today, so she and I are working on sewing while The Boy is making lasagna.

Off to work...